• Location
    Cartersville, GA
  • Office Hours
    MON - FRI 8:00A - 5:00P
  • Contact Us:
About Us

Athletic Fields, Inc., has been building high-quality sports fields since 1990.  Athletic Fields has built a reputation of as one of the premier sports turf companies in the South. Our team of sports field professionals provide unmatched quality and service. Athletic Fields leadership is committed to finding and supplying the newest technology and innovation in sports field construction.

In 1997, the company purchased its first set of laser grading equipment. In 1998, Athletic Fields added a second set of laser grading equipment. Since 1996, the company had used a dual slope laser for both baseball and softball fields but changed to cone laser technology in 2000 for efficiency, ease of use, and more accurate final results.

Since 1997, Athletic Fields, Inc. has constructed and renovated over 400 athletic fields . These fields are primarily 3-4 inch USGA sand-based fields. Each of those fields was constructed or renovated utilizing laser-grading technology. The fields are usually constructed with 100% internal equipment and personnel, but on occasion we have elected to subcontract irrigation and sod installation services. When these tasks are subcontracted, close supervision by Athletic Fields management ensures attention to detail and project quality is maintained.

Athletic Fields has become a major player in this market due to several factors.  Our commitment to excellence, attention to details, use of superior components and supply of excellent quality turfgrass sod are part of an overall commitment to excellence in customer service. In 2000, AFI received the Georgia Turfgrass Association’s “Sports Turf Construction Company of the Year” award for the State of Georgia.  Finally, our experience makes us better able to customize maintenance plans for our customers and help them make cost-effective decisions concerning their fields.